Rachel Coffey Coaching

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How was it for you? Your personal review of 2023

As the end of 2023 approaches it can be really helpful to take stock of what we have achieved and understand what we might learn from the year. Not only can it help motivate us as we recognise our successes but also help us progress as we see how we might want to approach our aims in our the year ahead.

Here are 5 ways in which we can take a positive look over the last 12 months to enable us to enter 2025 with insight and clarity;

Your original goals

Its always useful to revisit what our goals were at the start of the year. Dig out your notes or have a think back. What were the most important things to you as you set out in 2023 and where are you at now in relation to those goals? Which did you achieve, which are still in progress and which are the ones that fell away?

What worked?

Of those goals, which of them did you achieve and how did that happen? Have a look through and separate them out into those that went directly to plan, the ones that were easier than you’d expected and those which required more effort than you’d have thought. For the ones that were easier or harder identify what it is that contributed to that. If some were simpler, are there strategies that you can re-apply in new situations that can help you build on that next year. For those that were more difficult look at what got in the way. If you were faced with the same situation again, how could you change your approach to help smooth the way if faced with similar challenges again?

What fell by the wayside?

We all have goals that we didn’t quite meet. The important question is to understand what was behind that? Sometimes situations change and a goals becomes unnecessary or obsolete. Other times there’ll be opportunities that went to someone else. In both of these situations it is important to notice if there’s overhanging feelings or patterns that we are holding on to as a result of those not happening. If there are is there anything we need to do now to address this?

In terms of events not going our way, of course it is about looking at precisely what didn’t work. It isn’t about being critical, it is about creating an understanding. If we can hone in on what didn’t work, exactly what didn’t work, then we can equip ourselves better in the future. Discover the gaps and give ourselves the best chance to achieve what we want going forward.

What is ongoing?

It is really important to take a fresh look at goals that are still in progress. It might be the same goal but we need to ask if our approach needs tweaking and whether our desired outcome remains exactly the same. A lot can happen in a year. People, opportunities or relevant technology might have changed. What we prioritise and how much resource we put in will impact upon how we approach our new upcoming goals. Don’t just assume that because its still there everything remains the same. Take a fresh look. Ask if anything needs to change, if its running behind, identify the reasons why. If its taken a different turn ask if it needs a different approach. Keeping on top of ongoing goals helps us manage our time and energy and helps to keep them relevant in what is inevitably a constantly changing world.

What gave you energy?

Energy, hope, laughter and a sense of purpose. These are some of the elements that provide inspiration in our lives. By the same token it is equally important to notice what takes our energy away. We need to be truthful with ourselves and recognise not what ought to give us the energy we need, but also what genuinely does. It’s the only way we can strike our own path and find our version of satisfaction and happiness rather than succeeding at what others value and leave ourselves wanting. Maintaining our emotional energy, mental focus and professional drive is key to our success in the future.

What were your most important relationships?

Sometimes we miss just how valuable our relationships are in determining our achievements in life. Where did you get your biggest support from? Who helped spark the idea that led you to new discoveries? Who provided the most inspiration? What conversations gave you new perspectives? Which relationships picked you up when you were down or helped you to strive that step further as you were reaching the finish line? Sometimes it is the people we spend the most time with, others it’s those rarer occurrences that made a difference. Sometimes its a trusted advisor that helps us think differently and other times it will be something seemingly unrelated that gives us a boost or builds up our confidence. Its good to identify the relationships that help us to feel human, be heard and continue to be the best of ourselves.

What made the most difference?

Out of all of the things that have happened this year which have made the biggest difference? Identify the top three in each area that is important to you. It might be personal, it might be financial, it may be it made a difference to others. Ask yourself what decisions did you make that shifted things? How did you challenge yourself in a way that changed the outcome? What did you create to make that difference? What does it mean to you?

It’s not over yet!…

In the time that is left of this year, what needs completing and how are you going to approach that. What are the top three things you’d like to happen in the remaining days that will bring you satisfaction, a sense of accomplishment or release or a feeling of joy?

Building upon this year - moving ahead!

Prepare to feel prepared! Set out a time at the very end of this year or early in the next to identify what you want to achieve in 2024. You know, they way you design your goals in the first place makes a huge difference to how likely it is you’ll achieve them!

If you’d like help reviewing the past year or setting out your goals for the next get in touch and I will help you review, reflect, consolidate and plan in the very best way possible. A 2 hour online review session can be booked for £225 with a wide range of packages - personal and professional - to help whatever your focus in 2024. Click here to book!